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Which Personality are you?

When it comes to choosing jewellery, it's not just a matter of you choosing the jewellery but it choosing you. Ask yourself these questions-

What type of activities am I involve in?

Am I a fun loving or serious person?

Chances are if you answer yes to any or both of those questions you have to really think about the type of jewellery that you wear. You will never get a second chance to make a good impression. The clothes you choose, the way you speak, style of your hair, make-up and of course...jewellery, all combines to make a statement about who you are. It is one of the ways people not only identify themselves but make a first impression to others.

Coral set

Here is a quick list to see what type of personality you have-

Outgoing and bold- large chunky pieces such as bold rings and wearing more than one set of bracelets.

Reserve- Small chain with small gemstone, normally one. Matching earrings and usually only wear favourite pieces of jewellery.

Eccentric- Vintage pieces which is one of a kind and not worn by anyone else. Usually found in antique shops.

Partygoer- Flash and sparkly, can be large or medium pieces but not small and demure.

Conservative- Professional wardrobe with smaller pieces, thin necklace and no pendant.

Artistic- Mixed bold jewellery that makes a statement.

Dramatic- Jewellery larger in scale which is brightly coloured and has a presence.

Elegant Chic- Quality material is used with some sheen and bold elements. This is me!

Now that you have figured out which type of jewellery suits your personality, your next step is to incorporate it into your lifestyle so that it represents you as a person. Choosing a jewellery style can be the first step in creating a unique image of yourself, giving you your own signature look. I am a feminine but not a girly type of girl and I like ethnic jewellery with a bit of bling, that's why I decided to make my own. Have a look at my collections of sets, necklaces and bracelets.

Which lifestyle are you? Here is a guide that will help you choose-

Fun-Loving- Social, bubbly and active whose choice of jewellery is large with big hooped earrings, dangling necklaces and extravagant rings.

Down to Earth- Nature lovers with an awareness of the world around them. Loves to wear jewellery made from recycled material- would go for turquoise earrings, bracelets/bangles and necklaces made from sea glass or shells.

Classic Elegance- Traditionalist and family orientated who likes quiet get-together and has a calm demeanour. Classic taste in furniture and outfits. Wears simple and elegant jewellery such as pearls.

The Best of the Best- Lives life at full speed and never settle for second best. They set goals for themselves and expect them to be reached. Their outfits and jewellery is chosen with great care and attention to detail. They choose the exact jewellery that they want and nothing less.

Colour Coordinate- This is me! They are great conversationalist and gracious host who is neat, organised and responsible. They wear jewellery in matching sets that coordinates perfectly with their complete outfit.

Trendsetter- They don't care for brand names and like to stand out from the rest. Their jewellery which are vintage pieces and their outfits makes a bold statement. Their jewellery can usually be found in antique shops.

Wash and Wear- Leads an active life and their jewellery need to fit into their lifestyle.They want to look good without giving up their lifestyle and wears jewellery that has inspirational sayings. Their choice of jewellery is usually tennis bracelets and necklaces with pendants.

black leather string chain with pendant

So there it is! You now have the type of jewellery to suit your personality and lifestyle to create a unique you. This can be established over a period of time to see which one is the real you. It took me years to find the real me through jewellery.

So experiment and have fun creating and finding the unique you!

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